Who We Are

Roomiroom.com is a global travel company that offers B2B solutions for travel agencies. Our advanced technology guarantees an access to availability of hotels around the world through extranet or API connection. We work closely with our clients to develop modules that simply work. Our B2B booking system has all the essential modules included, you can adjust pricing and markup policies dynamically, display hotel rooms availability in real-time, manage credit limits, and manage cancellation policies and fees.

B2B Booking Engine

Our booking engine is designed from especially for travel agencies that optimizes every step of the B2B hotel booking experience.

+50000 Hotels

The system allows hotels to fully manage online rooms rate, availability, cancellation policies and more with a login provided by the roomiroom.com

Multi Currency & Multi Language

Every aspect of our booking system tailored to meet the aims of the Travel Agencies and Hotels.

Distribution Channel

With our two way integration and pooled inventory all rooms are online at once.

Automated Booking Confirmation

The simplification of completing and finalizing bookings means more customers can be served.

Marketing advantages

We connect your business to the top booking sites and global distribution systems.

Roomiroom.com B2B booking portal is available 24 hours a day, which increases productivity on both sides – particularly useful if the travel agency and its sub-agents are operating within different time zones.

Necessary communication and support queries can be dealt with more effectively as all relevant parties are able to login and view recent bookings and searches, depending on the level of access that is determined by the agency.

Some good reasons

Our booking market place is a convenient and user-friendly portal that helps travel agencies to research and book affordable hotel rooms for their clients.

+50000 HOTELS

Our intuitive booking engineis designed from the ground up to optimize every step of the direct hotel booking experience

+200000 BOOKINGS

Our cloud based platform that enables hotels of all sizes to reach guests globally and regionally to get booked faster online.


Our friendly support team is ready to help with your product queries whenever you need it.